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Los cubanos sin FE sobreviven revendiendo en las calles

Advierten de un repunte de las violaciones contra intelectuales y periodistas en Cuba

La ayuda de Japón a Cuba: material sanitario, guaguas y ahora apoyo a la agricultura

En Cuba 95 personas murieron por culpa de las autoridades en los últimos cinco años

En el primer trimestre del año llegaron a EE UU más de 60,000 cubanos por la frontera

El chavismo y sus aliados se comprometen, sin fecha, a relanzar Petrocaribe

Patinaje sobre escombros, un nuevo deporte en el Prado habanero

Proceso paulatino versus voluntarismo, un asunto de metodología

La Cidh ve con “gran preocupación” que Cuba no mejore en “aspectos estructurales”

El turista canadiense que falleció en Cuba fue enterrado por error en Rusia

Cubana atribuye la cancelación de vuelos a Argentina a la negativa de las empresas a servirle combustible

Cuba se suma a la “colaboración espacial” con China para usar sus “datos satelitales”

Amnistía Internacional denuncia la “existencia de una constante represiva” en Cuba

El Gobierno cubano impulsa una “revolución de los triciclos” en plena crisis energética

El oficialismo atribuye a los emigrados una parte importante de las drogas que entran a Cuba

Sancti Spíritus reconoce la escasez de efectivo y deja de abastecer los cajeros automáticos

Las autoridades confían en los hornos de leña para relanzar la industria del ladrillo en Granma

“Garantizar la unidad en torno al proyecto revolucionario”, prioridad de la industria cubana

El Kremlin tantea la “situación” policial y jurídica en Cuba y otros aliados de Rusia

Seis cubanos detenidos por el crimen de Sagua de Tánamo, en Holguín

Nuevo choque entre Washington y La Habana por el informe anual de EE UU sobre derechos humanos

El castrismo sin hombre nuevo

Jubelás, Jubelós, Jubelum

El censo ganadero revela la falta de al menos 2.600 cabezas en Ciego de Ávila

Aparece en Holguín un cuerpo con cuatro puñaladas y en Matanzas, otro descuartizado

La subida del precio de la malanga afecta especialmente a niños y enfermos convalecientes

El festival de cine Isla Verde, liderado por Jorge Perugorría, comienza en Cuba

La “mano dura” contra los ganaderos da resultados en Las Tunas, aseguran las autoridades

La Policía cubana detiene a los presuntos asesinos del conductor de un triciclo en Holguín

La SIP denuncia la represión contra los escasos periodistas no oficiales en Cuba

Una mujer es asesinada en plena calle en un poblado de Santiago de Cuba

Cuba recibe unos 800.000 turistas en el primer trimestre, el 25% de su meta para 2024

El hijo de Céspedes

Instaladas hace solo dos años, las bombas de agua de Pinar del Río ya no funcionan

Washington y La Habana, pendientes de los emigrados cubanos en EE UU

Los cubanos pagan casi el doble que hace un año por el transporte

Muere la prestigiosa pedagoga de la escuela cubana de ballet, Ramona de Saá

Alarma entre los vecinos de un pueblo de Holguín por tres robos en 72 horas

Sudáfrica gasta más de 750.000 dólares anuales en once médicos cubanos

“Los problemas económicos mellan en la preparación” de los atletas cubanos

“No me puedo acercar la cuchara, porque huele mal”, denuncian sobre un comedor social en La Habana

Asesinada en Sibanicú otra mujer a manos de su pareja

‘Copas para Cuba’, el taller sobre higiene menstrual que no logra romper el tabú

Familiares denuncian la desaparición de otra joven cubana en México

Liberan bajo fianza a Yoandra Mir, detenida por difundir información sobre dirigentes corruptos

Igor Krasnov, fiscal general de Rusia y cercano a Putin, llega a La Habana

The Emigration of Its Militants Is a Blow to the Communist Party of Cuba

The Governor of Cienfuegos Resigns ‘Upon Recognizing Mistakes Made in the Exercise of His Responsibility’

The Government Unearths a Case of Illegal Slaughter of Livestock To Warn Farmers

At Least 100 Cubans Remain Hospitalized for Lack of a Pacemaker, Says an NGO Related to the Regime

Cuban Authorities Fail to Explain the Case of the Lost Body of the Tourist Who Died in the Melia Varadero Hotel

Havana’s Cafe Baco, a Glamorous Interior and a Culinary Insult

‘Sadly, For Us, Cuba is Over,’ Says a Canadian Tourist

Letters From Readers: ‘If We Don’t Act Now, We Will Lose Cuba’

San Antonio de los Baños, Cuba, Where Humor Has Given Way to Pain

Cuba Approves the Financing of Construction Materials for Victims of the March Rains in Havana

Alina Barbara Lopez Denounces Her Arrest to the Military Prosecutor’s Office of Matanzas, Cuba

Warning of Upsurge in Violations Against Intellectuals and Journalists in Cuba

Cubans Without ‘Family in the Exterior’ Survive by Reselling on the Streets

Two Years of Harassment and Pressure for Writing ‘Patria y Vida’ on Her House for the 11 July 2021 Protests

The Church Offers a Dialogue to the Regime Despite the Fact That Its Relations Are Going Through the ‘Worst Moment’

A Carnival Cruise Ship Deviates From its Route To Rescue 27 Cuban Rafters

A Flotilla from Miami on March 17, One of Many Rumors from Cuba

Cuban Leaders in Artemisa Attribute the Failure of the Potato Harvest to the Energy Situation

The First Secretary of the Cuban Communist Party in Holguin is Dismissed

Former Political Prisoner Ramon Jesus Velazquez Returns to the United States After Being Detained for More Than a Month in Villa Marista

Authorities Finalize the Repatriation of Cubans Stranded in Haiti

The Communist Party Dismisses Its First Secretary in Las Tunas After Almost 20 Years as a Cadre / 14yMedio

The European Parliament’s Veto of Cuban Deputies is Permanent, Not Temporary

‘We Have To Get Our Act Together’, Says Cuban Prime Minister Marrero in a Visit to Ciego Avila

A Massive Exodus Leaves Cuba with an Abundance of Secondhand Clothes and Home Appliances

Alina Barbara Lopez and Jorge Fernandez Era Are Again Harassed by Cuban State Security

In Cuba the Number of Vehicles Has Been Cut in Half in Five Years

A Cuban Football Player Takes Advantage of His Stay in Managua To Escape

The ‘Swimming Pool’ Pothole in Havana Where Children Bathe Has Been Open for Several Years

Washington and Havana Refine Their System To Intercept and Deport Rafters

Kempinski Luxury Hotels Will Manage the Recently Remolded Metropolis in Old Havana

Three Arrested in Cuba for Killing Dogs and Selling the Meat as Pork or Mutton

Who Will Be Named President of the Republic of Cuba in 2028?

‘Bancarizacion’ – Banking Reform – Has Not Reached the Level Desired by the Cuban Regime

Cuba Fails in Pan American Softball With a Team of Veterans

More Than 86,000 Cubans Have Entered the U.S. Under Humanitarian Parole

Guyana Hires Cuban Engineers and Makes off with a Turkish Floating Power Plant Anchored in Havana Bay

Havana’s May Day Rally Moves to the Anti-Imperialist Platform, a Venue One-Fifth the Size of the Plaza of the Revolution

Cuba: The Head of Comunales de Santa Clara Was Arrested for Reselling Garbage Containers

Salvador Valdes Mesa Reproaches Cuban Producers for Selling ‘To Whoever Pays the Most’

Dimas Castellano

El Blog de Dimas
Dimas's Blog


Dual Currencies: Before 1959 and Today / Dimas Castellano

Three Points to Solve the Embargo / Dimas Castellano

Cyclones, Housing and Revolution / Dimas Castellano

Last Episode of This Cuban Electoral System / Dimas Castellano

Cuba, Elections and Electoral Reform / Dimas Castellano

Jeovany Jimenez Vega

Ciudadano Cero
Citizen Zero

Nueva crisis del castrismo: viejos polvos, nuevos lodos.

Is a Fraudulent Change Brewing Up in Cuba? / Jeovany Jimenez Vega

Proposal for Introduction of Decree Law 35 / Jeovany Jimenez Vega

Economic Disorder, Castroism’s Vocation / Jeovany Jimenez Vega

Cuba: You Must Be Having a Laugh Diaz-Canel... / Jeovany Jimenez Vega

Abstention, a Fearsome Weapon Against Castroism / Jeovany Jimenez Vega


Somos+ English

Somos+ Cuba convoca elecciones a su coordinación.

Ex presos políticos Plantados están en España para presentar el filme, encuentro con sus protagonistas.

Club Somos+ España convoca elecciones a su coordinación

Comunicado final Comisión Electoral

Eddy Rodríguez, candidato a la presidencia de Somos+

Political Police Attack Activists in Cuba, Including Active Members of #Somos+ / Somos+

Somos+ Calls a Protest Against the Complicity of #PSOE (Spanish Socialist Workers’ Party) with the Havana Regime / Somos+

Cuban Politics During the Last Six Decades / Somos+, Hector Fernandez

A Prime Minister with Doubtful Results as a Minister / Somos+

Arbitrary Detention in Cuba of Somos+ Coordinator for Uruguay, Lidier Hernadez Sotolongo / Somos+

Cubalex English

El Tribunal Supremo desestima apelación de Julio Ferrer sobre la Ley de manifestación en Cuba 

Derechos Humanos en crisis: La lucha de Jorge Luis Rodríguez “Tangallo” en prisión 

Obstáculos al acceso a la Justicia: Un patrón de represión en Cuba 

Arony Yanko García Valdés: Detenido arbitrariamente por un comentario en Facebook  

Actos represivos durante la peregrinación por el Día del Perro en Cuba

Monthly Report on the Human Rights Situation in Cuba (July 2023) / Cubalex

Solitary Confinement: More Cruel and Inhuman Treatment of Detained Persons by the Cuban State / Cubalex

Monthly Report on the Situation of Human Rights in Cuba (February 2023) / Cubalex

Monthly Report on the Human Rights Situation in Cuba: January 2023 / Cubalex

Statement of Human Rights Organizations on the Situation of Cuban Political Prisoners / Cubalex

Luis Felipe Rojas

Cruzar las alambradas
Crossing the Barbed Wire

Volver al blog

Hambrientos y con el culo mojao

Hambrientos y con el culo mojao

El escritor, en su cubil

El escritor, en su cubil

‘Empress’ Sissi Goes to Prison in Cuba / Luis Felipe Rojas

Retaliation Against Prisoner Who Reported Terrible Conditions of Forced Labor / Luis Felipe Rojas

Prisoners or Paramilitaries? Testimonies From Cuban Prisons / Luis Felipe Rojas

Report: Prostitution a la Carte in Cuba / Luis Felipe Rojas

"Fatal attraction" Magali Alabau’s Riddles / Luis Felipe Rojas

Cuban Law Association

Asociación Jurídica Cubana
Cuban Law Association

We are moving / Cuban Law Association

School Violence and Social and Legal Indiscipline in Cuba / Dayanara Vega, Cuban Law Association

At Any Price / Wilfredo Vallin Almeida, Cuban Law Association

Travel Insurance is not a Trustworthy Contract / Edilio Hernandez Herrera, Cuban Law Association

Another Unfulfilled Promise / Cuban Law Association, Dayanara Vega

Rafael León Rodríguez

El candil de Rafa
Rafa's Lamp

Panama Declaration / Rafael León Rodríguez

February Declaration / Rafael León Rodríguez

Resolution 4 on Human Rights / Rafael León Rodríguez

Cuban Authorities Block Seven Activists From Traveling to Mexico for Democracy Action Meeting

End of Year Declaration / Rafael León Rodríguez

Voices Behind the Bars

Voces Tras Las Rejas
Voices Behind The Bars
El Guarijo Azul

Retazos / Fragments

Sunday Anguish

Sunday Anguish

Life of Sisyphus – Part Nine

Life of Sisyphus – Part Nine

Life of Sisyphus – Part Eight

Yamil Dominguez

Injusticia notoria
Notorious Injustice

Justice for Rolando

Justice for Rolando

My New Beginning

My New Beginning

Total Injustice

Jorge Luis García Pérez Antunez

Ni me callo, ni me voy
I Won't Shut Up, I'm Not Leaving

Gorki Águila: “The Castro Regime Wants To Mutate Into A Perfect Tyranny” / EFE – 14ymedio

Orlando Zapata Tamayo Civic Resistance Front Holds Congress in Havana / Cubanet, Arturo Rojas Rodriguez

Antonio Rodiles Arrives in Miami After Being Unable to Leave Cuba for 8 Months / 14ymedio

About 70 Ladies in White and Activists Arrested Sunday / 14ymedio

Estado de Sats… for our Spanish-speaking viewers

Katia Sonia

KubaSepia (English)

Leandro Cesar Mastrapa Igarza and Alexis Zayas Guillen were Ordained as Deacons

Leandro Cesar Mastrapa Igarza and Alexis Zayas Guillen were Ordained as Deacons

Leandro Cesar Mastrapa Igarza and Alexis Zayas Guillen were Ordained as Deacons/ Katia Sonia

Response to a Manipulation / Katia Sonia

Response to a Manipulation / Katia Sonia Martin

Jose Antonio Garcia


Henry Constantin

Reportes de viajes
Travel Reports

Pedro Luis

Fotos desde Cuba
Photos From Cuba

Cuban Activists Discuss the Diplomatic Normalization with the United States / 14ymedio

Photo of Cuban Cardinal: Jamie Ortega

Photo of Cuban Cardinal: Jamie Ortega

Castro to be Special Guest Today on Cuban TV

Fidel Appears on Cuban TV: PHOTOS

Ricardo Medina

Ombudsman Cuba
Ombudsman Cuba / English

2nd of November-Day of the Dead / Ricardo Medina

Our Lady of Mercy / Ricardo Medina

A Young Man’s Life Endangered Because of the Holidays

CUBA, Talitá’ cum – I speak to you / Ricardo Medina

CUBA, Talit’ cum – I speak to you / Ricardo Medina


Cuba and the Enslaving System of Two Currencies / Yusnaby Perez

Internet for the Cuban Opposition is Possible / Yusnaby Perez

The Embargo / Yusnaby Perez

Cubans are Prohibited from Boarding Tourist Boats / Yusnaby Perez

Counterrevolutionary / Yusnaby Perez

Dora Leonor Mesa

Plapliplo lecciones
Plaplipol English

Two Cuban Activists Prohibited from Traveling to OAS Human Rights Meeting

Prague Happily Infects its Visitors / Dora Leonor Mesa

Missing People / Dora Leonor Mesa

Cuban Toy Thieves Knockout Three Kings Day / Dora Leonor Mesa

Cuban Toy Thieves Knockout Three Kings Day / Dora Leonor Mesa

Lilianne Ruíz

El Blog de Jeronimo
Lilianne's Blog Posts

Speaking of Human Rights Talks Between the US and Cuban Governments… / Lilianne Ruíz

The Virgin According to the Popes / Lilianne Ruíz

Coco Farinas Lost Consciousness Again / Lilianne Ruíz

Guillermo "Coco" Farinas; Hunger and Thirst Strike Continues / Lilianne Ruíz

“The opposition has not matured,” Laments Martha Beatriz Roque / 14ymedio, Lilianne Ruiz


Other Texts to Translate
Translating Cuba

Díaz-Canel: Killer of Illusions / Cubanet, Luis Cino Alvarez

Barbara’s Helplessness / Odalina Guerrero Lara, Cuban Law Association

The Day Cuba Changed #RosaMariaPaya #OswaldoPaya #AngelCarromero #AronModig / Orlando Luis Pardo Lazo

The Thankless Task of a Dauphin / Yoani Sanchez

Today, February 13, is Laura Pollan’s 64th Birthday / Mario Barroso

Guillermo Fariñas

Huelga de hambre
Hunger Strike

Guillermo Farinas Released But Will Not be Allowed to Leave Santa Clara in the Coming Days

The Controversy Over The Identity Of The Clandestinos Is Growing

Opposition Alliance Calls To Open An Inclusive National Dialog / 14ymedio

European Parliament’s “Fariñas Amendment” Never Existed / 14ymedio

Guillermo Fariñas Abandons His Hunger Strike / 14ymedio


IntraMuros (English)

Declaration of “Convivencia” Magazine on the Restoration of Diplomatic Relations Between Cuba and the U.S.

Declaration of “Convivencia” Magazine on the Restoration of Diplomatic Relations Between Cuba and the U.S.

Declaration of “Convivencia” Magazine on the Restoration of Diplomatic Relations Between Cuba and the U.S.

Poland’s Solidarity With Cuban Civil Society / Intramuros, Dagoberto Valdes

Poland’s Solidarity With Cuban Civil Society / Intramuros, Dagoberto Valdes

Eugenio Leal

Veritas (English)

Claudia Cadelo

Octavo Cerco
Octavo Cerco English

My Videos of Wendy and Ignacio’s Wedding

Long Vacations and My First Story

Gimme Light

What More Could One Ask For?


Regina Coyula

Mala letra
Bad Handwriting

The Reclusive Poet / Carlos Manuel Alvarez, Regina Coyula

Cuba: Anatomy of Fear / Regina Coyula

Among the Lines / Regina Coyula

The Usefulness of the Tongue / Regina Coyula

Imperialism or Twitter Trolls: Who’s to Blame? / Regina Coyula

Laritza Diversent

Jurisconsulto de Cuba
Laritza's Laws

Stricter Rules For The Advancement And Protection Of Human Rights / Laritza Diversent

Laritza Diversent and Cubalex Begin Their Life In Exile

Broken Dreams / Cubalex

‘El Sexto’ Moved to a Criminal Prosecution Center / 14ymedio

Amnesty International Calls For “Urgent Action” to Support Cubalex /14ymedio, Miami

Rosa María Rodríguez Torrado

La rosa descalza
Barefoot Rosa

Commemoration or Celebration? / Rosa María Rodríguez Torrado

Obama’s Visit / Rosa María Rodríguez Torrado

Same Hatred, Different Collar / Rosa Maria Rodriguez

Dreaming in Color / Rosa Maria Rodriguez

To Die of Hunger / Rosa Maria Rodriguez

Fernando Dámaso

Mermelada / Marmalade

Plowing the Sea? / Fernando Damaso

Customer Care / Fernando Damaso

Tales Along the Way / Fernando Damaso

Something to Think About / Fernando Damaso

Jose Marti, from Apostle to ‘Pret-A-Porter’ / Fernando Damaso

Orlando Luis Pardo Lazo

Lunes de Post Revolution
Post Revolution Mondays

I Love You Not Despite But Precisely Because of the Tyranny / Orlando Luis Pardo Lazo

Islands / Orlando Luis Pardo Lazo

Oswaldo Paya and the Varela Project / Orlando Luis Pardo Lazo

Being Saint Louis / Orlando Luis Pardo Lazo

A Conversation with Orlando Luis Pardo Lazo / Regina Anavy

Ángel Santiesteban

Los Hijos Que Nadie Quiso
The Children Nobody Wanted

Mexicans Flee From the Cuban Abdala Vaccine and Line Up for the Pfizer

Angel Santiesteban’s Personal War

Cuban Writer Angel Santiesteban Receives the Vaclav Havel Award for Creative Dissent

When The Intellectuals Supported “The Terror Of Castrismo.” Seventeen Years After The “Message From Havana.”

The Book Fair: A Communist Vanity Project / Angel Santiesteban

Silvio Benítez Márquez

Desde la punta brava
From La Punta Brava

Silvio Benitez and the Dissidence

Permission is Granted to Add a Discussion in the Neighborhoods About the Petition to Modify the Actual Elections System

Permission is Granted to Add a Discussion in the Neighborhoods About the Petition to Modify the Actual Elections System / Silvio Benítez Márquez

Meeting to Spread the Initiative

Neighborhood Spokespeople Receive Answers to Citizen Demands

Ernesto Morales Licea

El pequeño hermano
The Little Brother

The (Naked) King of Little Havana / Ernesto Morales

The End

On the Steps of Nila: Bayley, Cortes and Mega TV

Man Convicted in Bayamao Child Prostitution Ring is on Hunger Strike

Cubans and the Lessons from Myanmar

Rebeca Monzo

Por el ojo de la aguja
Through the Eye of the Needle

The Bureaucracy Hinders the National Production of Masks

A Lost Gastronomic Legacy / Rebeca Monzo

100% Habanera

500th Anniversary of the City of Havana

500th Anniversary of the City "Nightmare" / Rebeca Monzo

Miguel Iturría Savón

Ancla Insular
Island Anchor

Francis Sánchez

Hombre en las nubes
Man in the Clouds

"Resisting For the Sake of Resisting Makes No Sense"

A Candle Lit by Assef and His Poetry / Francis Sanchez

All the Good Decimistas Write… Poetry? / Francis Sanchez

Depressed But Happy? / Francis Sanchez

Why Am I (Again) “in the clouds”? / Francis Sanchez

Wendy Iriepa and Ignacio Estrada

Puertas Abiertas en Cuba
Open Doors in Cuba

Enrique Colina: Utopian Obstinacy Turns Dreams into a Nightmare / Wendy Iriepa and Ignacio Estrada

A Heartfelt Loss / Wendy Iriepa and Ignacio Estrada / Wendy Iriepa and Ignacio Estrada

USA Commemorates the Birth of Martin Luther King, Jr. / Wendy Iriepa and Ignacio Estrada

All Rights for All Families / Wendy Iriepa and Ignacio Estrada

South Africa Reports Alarming Increase in HIV among Adolescents / Wendy Iriepa and Ignacio Estrada

Iván García

La Carpeta de Iván
Iván's File Cabinet

Cooking Gas Is Also Lacking In Cuba

Crony Capitalism in Cuba

Testimony of Lazaro Yuri Valle Roca Currently Being Held at Combinado del Este Prison / Ivan Garcia

The Ordeal of Cuban Dissidents / Ivan Garcia

Shipments to Cuba to be Paid for in Miami

Miriam Celaya

Sin Evasion
Without Evasion

Latin America: Peace in the Abstract

Transition, Cuban Style / Cubanet, Miriam Celaya

Millionaire Guerrillas and Angelic Drug Traffickers / Miriam Celaya

Preliminary Weighing of an Announced Succession / Cubanet, Miriam Celaya

Corruption, the End of Impunity and the Latin American Political Street Gangs

Juan Juan Almeida

La voz del Morro
The Voice of El Morro

Secret Video Shows the Deterioration of Castro Enclave ‘Punto Cero’* / Juan Juan Almeida

Details of ‘Operation Hatuey,’ a Plan by Castro’s High Ranking Officials, Are Revealed / Juan Juan Almeida

Cuban Regime Expropriates My Sister’s House, But Celebrates My Father’s Birthday / Juan Juan Almeida

Bringing Fidel Castro Back From the Dead in Havana / Juan Juan Almeida

Raul Castro Reappears after Reports of Illness Are Leaked / Juan Juan Almeida