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Ningún cubano recibió el ‘parole’ en diciembre y casi mil esperan el permiso de viaje a EE UU
Los presos políticos y el círculo de tiza
Etecsa empezará a cobrar algunos servicios en dólares dentro de Cuba
“Es un poco descabellado pensar que el cubano de a pie puede comprar un carro de estos”
El arte de organizar las colas para comprar gasolina en Cuba
El colapso energético en Cuba tiene su origen en la apuesta de Fidel Castro por los grupos electrógenos
El lanzador cubano Raidel Martínez recibe tratamiento de estrella en Japón
Financiado por China, el parque eólico de Las Tunas aportará solo 33 de los 50 MW previstos
Excarcelado el líder opositor José Daniel Ferrer tras las negociaciones entre el régimen cubano y el Vaticano
La secretaria de Seguridad Nacional de Trump promete suspender CBP One el “primer día” de su gestión
Human Rights Watch asegura que 2024 fue “un año calamitoso” para los derechos en Cuba
Activistas independientes confirman el primer feminicidio de 2025 en Cuba
Reportan la desaparición de 10 mujeres en Cuba en 15 años, la mitad solo en 2024
Raquítica y cara, la yuca provoca las colas más largas en las últimas ferias agrícolas del año
El turismo sufre un nuevo retroceso en noviembre en Cuba
Muere a los 100 años Camacho Aguilera, el comandante fiel que cumplió todas las órdenes
El asesinato de una mujer en Holguín fue “de una brutalidad que excede la motivación del robo”
Las autoridades cubanas identificaron a “3.000 jóvenes en riesgo de cometer actos de delito”
“Los niños no saben qué es el casabe”, la torta de yuca que fue para los cubanos su primer pan
Prisión preventiva para cinco detenidos en Marianao durante un operativo contra la venta de combustible
Una periodista oficialista denuncia la inacción de la Policía contra los ladrones en Matanzas
La prensa oficial admite que “se necesitarán casi 40 años” para resolver el déficit de viviendas en Ciego de Ávila
Rumores de octubre: conspiración contra El Taiger, francotiradores para proteger a Díaz-Canel
La Fiscalía de Las Tunas alerta sobre el aumento de las agresiones sexuales a niños, 27 en lo que va de año
Libros de octubre: Celdrán retrata una generación, Borges reaparece, Padura rescata viejas crónicas
La Policía detiene en Matanzas a los presuntos asesinos de un hombre que asaltaron para robarle la moto
Detienen a Jorge Jr., primo de El Taiger, y a su hijo en Panamá
Una trabajadora de la Universidad de Oriente, nueva víctima de violencia machista en Santiago de Cuba
Un tribunal de EE UU da una victoria parcial a cuatro navieras por el uso del puerto de La Habana
Reportan dos nuevos feminicidios en Cuba; suman cuatro en dos semanas
Díaz-Canel y Marrero llegan a Guantánamo sin entrar a la zona más afectada por el huracán Oscar
Hasta agosto, las importaciones de pollo desde EE UU cayeron un 35% respecto a 2023
El óxido y los muros agrietados amenazan al estadio de béisbol de Río Cauto, en Granma
Cuarto día de apagón en Cuba, con protestas, amenazas de Díaz-Canel y llegada del huracán Oscar
Menos del 40% de Cuba tiene corriente el quinto día de apagón, la mayoría en La Habana
to do- wouldn’t load — Cacerolazos en varias ciudades de Cuba en protesta por el apagón general
México insiste en vacunar con la cubana Abdala, sin actualizar contra las nuevas variantes del covid-19
Asesinada en Santiago de Cuba una mujer por su ex marido, denunciado por agresión
Miles de personas sin agua en Trinidad desde 2020 por un impago de Cuba a un acreedor extranjero
Los cubanos pudieron comer merluza peruana gracias a la Seguridad del Estado
El runrún de la muerte de Raúl Castro dominó los rumores de septiembre
Sin docentes ni tableros, Cuba intenta rescatar la formación de ajedrecistas desde la primaria
Correos de Cuba se desentiende de los paquetes robados
Cuba dedica la Jornada de la Cultura al escritor Alejo Carpentier y a los instructores de arte
Guerra cultural
La Cancillería protesta por la liberación del cubano que disparó contra su embajada en Washington
Leaving Prison in Cuba Does Not Mean Being Free
Of the 127 Prisoners Released by the Cuban Authorities, Only About 50 Are Political Prisoners
Cuba Has the Third Highest Rate of Femicides in Latin America
‘I Breathe Through Memory’, Gastón Baquero’s Letters to Lydia Cabrera
In Sancti Spíritus, Cuba, Private Sector Proposals To Restore a 19th Century Hotel Are Rejected
Venezuela: Democracy Versus Dictatorship
José Daniel Ferrer Challenges His Jailers: ‘You Will Be Prosecuted in the Future’
Opposition Leader José Daniel Ferrer Released From Prison After Negotiations Between the Cuban Regime and the Vatican
The Collision of Two Buses Leaves Three Dead and 60 Injured in the Cuban Province of Camagüey
Devoid of Tourists and Canadian Drilling Operations, Boca de Camarioca Is a Shadow of Its Former Self
While the Cuban Regime Announces the Release of 553 Prisoners, Sentences for Crimes of Opinion Continue
Cuba Announces a New Exchange Rate for the Dollar That Varies ‘With Supply and Demand’
Cuban Regime Releases 553 Prisoners in Exchange for Its Exclusion From the US List of Sponsors of Terrorism
Cuban Prisoners Released After Negotiations Between the Regime and the Vatican
Cuban Activist Jorge Cervantes, Now a Forced Migrant, Is Stranded in Mexico
Maduro, Ready to ‘Take Up Arms’ With Cuba: Rumors Grow About ‘Red Berets’ Being Sent From the Island
Emigration Procedures in the Civil Registry of Cienfuegos, Cuba, Take Forever and Provoke Anxiety
The Mysterious Hydraulic Work on Havana’s Boyeros Avenue Coincides With the Inauguration of the K Tower
The Cuban Regime Is Dollarizing the Economy To Capture ‘The Foreign Currency That Is Currently Being Moved Illegally’
Cuba Will Donate Historic Armored Vehicles and a Pistol Owned by Fidel Castro to Zimbabwe
Economist Pavel Vidal Sees the Success of a Floating Exchange Rate in Cuba As Difficult
Only Six of the 14 Sugar Mills Planned Are Grinding Sugar in Cuba
Enrisco, Between Freedom and Power
Cuba Receives a Shipment of Medicines From India To ‘Recover’ From the 2024 Hurricanes
An NGO Registers 105 Complaints From Cuban Prisoners in December for the Violation of Their Rights
Cuba Closed the Year with 54 Femicides, 33 Fewer Than the Year Before
“We Family Members Have Been Banned From Posting on Social Media Because Enemies Take Advantage of It To Harm the Country”
For the First Time Since 1959, Cuba Grants Land for Harvesting to a Foreign Company
In Cuba’s Cienfuegos Bus Terminal You Don’t Travel If You Don’t Pay Extra ‘On the Left’
Cupet Presents False Data To Hide the Oil Production Crisis in Cuba
The Mysterious A&M Bazaar Opens its Third Shop in a Ruined Building in Havana
Demand Immediate Release of Rapper Nando OBDC, Charged With “Terrorism”
Another Former Cuban Regime Official Enters the United States
The Official Press Highlights the Forecasts of the Yoruba Association, Close to the Regime
A Sash on His Chest Does Not Make Nicolás Maduro President of Venezuela
Who Are the 13 Missing in the Explosions at Cuba’s Military Warehouse in Holguín?
Cuban Government Opens a High-End Supermarket that Only Accepts Dollars in Cash or Card
Cuba, 66 Years in the Dark
A Mexican Doctor Asks a Cuban Businessman to Get Him Out of a Cuba with Its Blackouts and No Food
Like Zombies, Cuban Smokers Look for Affordable Cigarettes in the Midst of Inflation
Dimas Castellano
El Blog de Dimas
Dimas's Blog
Dual Currencies: Before 1959 and Today / Dimas Castellano
Three Points to Solve the Embargo / Dimas Castellano
Cyclones, Housing and Revolution / Dimas Castellano
Last Episode of This Cuban Electoral System / Dimas Castellano
Cuba, Elections and Electoral Reform / Dimas Castellano
Somos+ English
Somos+ Cuba convoca elecciones a su coordinación.
Ex presos políticos Plantados están en España para presentar el filme, encuentro con sus protagonistas.
Club Somos+ España convoca elecciones a su coordinación
Comunicado final Comisión Electoral
Eddy Rodríguez, candidato a la presidencia de Somos+
Political Police Attack Activists in Cuba, Including Active Members of #Somos+ / Somos+
Somos+ Calls a Protest Against the Complicity of #PSOE (Spanish Socialist Workers’ Party) with the Havana Regime / Somos+
Cuban Politics During the Last Six Decades / Somos+, Hector Fernandez
A Prime Minister with Doubtful Results as a Minister / Somos+
Arbitrary Detention in Cuba of Somos+ Coordinator for Uruguay, Lidier Hernadez Sotolongo / Somos+
Cubalex English
Cuba: observatorios y organizaciones independientes comparten preocupación por el agravamiento de la crisis humanitaria tras el colapso energético
Grave situación del preso político Jorge Luis Rodríguez , conocido como ‘Tangallo’
Cubalex denuncia falta de transparencia y garantías en la liberación de personas sancionadas en Cuba
Lázaro Noel Urgellés Obligado a Cumplir Condena en Prisión de forma arbitraria
Detención arbitraria de Juan Luis Bravo Rodríguez en Guantánamo
Yunaikis de la Caridad Linares, 11J Prisoner, Faces Isolation and Threats in Havana Prison
Cuban Political Prisoner Pedro Albert Sánchez on Hunger Strike in Havana / Cubalex
We Denounce the Increasing Repression of Independent Journalists in Cuba / Cubalex
11J: Analysis of Racial Bias in Cuba’s Sedition Sanctions / Cubalex
Surveillance and Repression Operations in Guantanamo Following Power Outage Protest / Cubalex
Luis Felipe Rojas
Cruzar las alambradas
Crossing the Barbed Wire
Volver al blog
Hambrientos y con el culo mojao
Hambrientos y con el culo mojao
El escritor, en su cubil
El escritor, en su cubil
‘Empress’ Sissi Goes to Prison in Cuba / Luis Felipe Rojas
Retaliation Against Prisoner Who Reported Terrible Conditions of Forced Labor / Luis Felipe Rojas
Prisoners or Paramilitaries? Testimonies From Cuban Prisons / Luis Felipe Rojas
Report: Prostitution a la Carte in Cuba / Luis Felipe Rojas
"Fatal attraction" Magali Alabau’s Riddles / Luis Felipe Rojas
Iván García
La Carpeta de Iván
Iván's File Cabinet
Cuba, menos maestros y más adoctrinamiento en las escuelas
Cuba: corrupción, violencia y cacería de brujas
Cuando ser homosexual era un delito en Cuba
París 2024, el peor desempeño del deporte cubano
Cruzada contra los negocios privados privados en Cuba
Public Health Collapses in Cuba / Iván García
How Do the Cubans Live Who Don’t Receive Any Dollars? / Iván García
The Private Sector in Cuba Up Against the Wall / Iván García
Cuba, Fewer Teachers and More Indoctrination in Schools / Iván García
Cooking Gas Is Also Lacking In Cuba
Cuban Law Association
Asociación Jurídica Cubana
Cuban Law Association
We are moving / Cuban Law Association
School Violence and Social and Legal Indiscipline in Cuba / Dayanara Vega, Cuban Law Association
At Any Price / Wilfredo Vallin Almeida, Cuban Law Association
Travel Insurance is not a Trustworthy Contract / Edilio Hernandez Herrera, Cuban Law Association
Another Unfulfilled Promise / Cuban Law Association, Dayanara Vega
Rafael León Rodríguez
El candil de Rafa
Rafa's Lamp
Panama Declaration / Rafael León Rodríguez
February Declaration / Rafael León Rodríguez
Resolution 4 on Human Rights / Rafael León Rodríguez
Cuban Authorities Block Seven Activists From Traveling to Mexico for Democracy Action Meeting
End of Year Declaration / Rafael León Rodríguez
Voices Behind the Bars
Voces Tras Las Rejas
Voices Behind The Bars
El Guarijo Azul
Retazos / Fragments
Sunday Anguish
Sunday Anguish
Life of Sisyphus – Part Nine
Life of Sisyphus – Part Nine
Life of Sisyphus – Part Eight
Yamil Dominguez
Injusticia notoria
Notorious Injustice
Justice for Rolando
Justice for Rolando
My New Beginning
My New Beginning
Total Injustice
Jorge Luis García Pérez Antunez
Ni me callo, ni me voy
I Won't Shut Up, I'm Not Leaving
Gorki Águila: “The Castro Regime Wants To Mutate Into A Perfect Tyranny” / EFE – 14ymedio
Orlando Zapata Tamayo Civic Resistance Front Holds Congress in Havana / Cubanet, Arturo Rojas Rodriguez
Antonio Rodiles Arrives in Miami After Being Unable to Leave Cuba for 8 Months / 14ymedio
About 70 Ladies in White and Activists Arrested Sunday / 14ymedio
Estado de Sats… for our Spanish-speaking viewers
Katia Sonia
KubaSepia (English)
Leandro Cesar Mastrapa Igarza and Alexis Zayas Guillen were Ordained as Deacons
Leandro Cesar Mastrapa Igarza and Alexis Zayas Guillen were Ordained as Deacons
Leandro Cesar Mastrapa Igarza and Alexis Zayas Guillen were Ordained as Deacons/ Katia Sonia
Response to a Manipulation / Katia Sonia
Response to a Manipulation / Katia Sonia Martin
Jose Antonio Garcia
Henry Constantin
Reportes de viajes
Travel Reports
Pedro Luis
Fotos desde Cuba
Photos From Cuba
Cuban Activists Discuss the Diplomatic Normalization with the United States / 14ymedio
Photo of Cuban Cardinal: Jamie Ortega
Photo of Cuban Cardinal: Jamie Ortega
Castro to be Special Guest Today on Cuban TV
Fidel Appears on Cuban TV: PHOTOS
Ricardo Medina
Ombudsman Cuba
Ombudsman Cuba / English
2nd of November-Day of the Dead / Ricardo Medina
Our Lady of Mercy / Ricardo Medina
A Young Man’s Life Endangered Because of the Holidays
CUBA, Talitá’ cum – I speak to you / Ricardo Medina
CUBA, Talit’ cum – I speak to you / Ricardo Medina
Cuba and the Enslaving System of Two Currencies / Yusnaby Perez
Internet for the Cuban Opposition is Possible / Yusnaby Perez
The Embargo / Yusnaby Perez
Cubans are Prohibited from Boarding Tourist Boats / Yusnaby Perez
Counterrevolutionary / Yusnaby Perez
Dora Leonor Mesa
Plapliplo lecciones
Plaplipol English
Two Cuban Activists Prohibited from Traveling to OAS Human Rights Meeting
Prague Happily Infects its Visitors / Dora Leonor Mesa
Missing People / Dora Leonor Mesa
Cuban Toy Thieves Knockout Three Kings Day / Dora Leonor Mesa
Cuban Toy Thieves Knockout Three Kings Day / Dora Leonor Mesa
Lilianne Ruíz
El Blog de Jeronimo
Lilianne's Blog Posts
Speaking of Human Rights Talks Between the US and Cuban Governments… / Lilianne Ruíz
The Virgin According to the Popes / Lilianne Ruíz
Coco Farinas Lost Consciousness Again / Lilianne Ruíz
Guillermo "Coco" Farinas; Hunger and Thirst Strike Continues / Lilianne Ruíz
“The opposition has not matured,” Laments Martha Beatriz Roque / 14ymedio, Lilianne Ruiz
Other Texts to Translate
Translating Cuba
Díaz-Canel: Killer of Illusions / Cubanet, Luis Cino Alvarez
Barbara’s Helplessness / Odalina Guerrero Lara, Cuban Law Association
The Day Cuba Changed #RosaMariaPaya #OswaldoPaya #AngelCarromero #AronModig / Orlando Luis Pardo Lazo
The Thankless Task of a Dauphin / Yoani Sanchez
Today, February 13, is Laura Pollan’s 64th Birthday / Mario Barroso
Guillermo Fariñas
Huelga de hambre
Hunger Strike
Guillermo Farinas Released But Will Not be Allowed to Leave Santa Clara in the Coming Days
The Controversy Over The Identity Of The Clandestinos Is Growing
Opposition Alliance Calls To Open An Inclusive National Dialog / 14ymedio
European Parliament’s “Fariñas Amendment” Never Existed / 14ymedio
Guillermo Fariñas Abandons His Hunger Strike / 14ymedio
IntraMuros (English)
Declaration of “Convivencia” Magazine on the Restoration of Diplomatic Relations Between Cuba and the U.S.
Declaration of “Convivencia” Magazine on the Restoration of Diplomatic Relations Between Cuba and the U.S.
Declaration of “Convivencia” Magazine on the Restoration of Diplomatic Relations Between Cuba and the U.S.
Poland’s Solidarity With Cuban Civil Society / Intramuros, Dagoberto Valdes
Poland’s Solidarity With Cuban Civil Society / Intramuros, Dagoberto Valdes
Eugenio Leal
Veritas (English)
Claudia Cadelo
Octavo Cerco
Octavo Cerco English
My Videos of Wendy and Ignacio’s Wedding
Long Vacations and My First Story
Gimme Light
What More Could One Ask For?
Regina Coyula
Mala letra
Bad Handwriting
The Reclusive Poet / Carlos Manuel Alvarez, Regina Coyula
Cuba: Anatomy of Fear / Regina Coyula
Among the Lines / Regina Coyula
The Usefulness of the Tongue / Regina Coyula
Imperialism or Twitter Trolls: Who’s to Blame? / Regina Coyula
Laritza Diversent
Jurisconsulto de Cuba
Laritza's Laws
Stricter Rules For The Advancement And Protection Of Human Rights / Laritza Diversent
Laritza Diversent and Cubalex Begin Their Life In Exile
Broken Dreams / Cubalex
‘El Sexto’ Moved to a Criminal Prosecution Center / 14ymedio
Amnesty International Calls For “Urgent Action” to Support Cubalex /14ymedio, Miami
Rosa María Rodríguez Torrado
La rosa descalza
Barefoot Rosa
Commemoration or Celebration? / Rosa María Rodríguez Torrado
Obama’s Visit / Rosa María Rodríguez Torrado
Same Hatred, Different Collar / Rosa Maria Rodriguez
Dreaming in Color / Rosa Maria Rodriguez
To Die of Hunger / Rosa Maria Rodriguez
Fernando Dámaso
Mermelada / Marmalade
Plowing the Sea? / Fernando Damaso
Customer Care / Fernando Damaso
Tales Along the Way / Fernando Damaso
Something to Think About / Fernando Damaso
Jose Marti, from Apostle to ‘Pret-A-Porter’ / Fernando Damaso
Orlando Luis Pardo Lazo
Lunes de Post Revolution
Post Revolution Mondays
I Love You Not Despite But Precisely Because of the Tyranny / Orlando Luis Pardo Lazo
Islands / Orlando Luis Pardo Lazo
Oswaldo Paya and the Varela Project / Orlando Luis Pardo Lazo
Being Saint Louis / Orlando Luis Pardo Lazo
A Conversation with Orlando Luis Pardo Lazo / Regina Anavy
Ángel Santiesteban
Los Hijos Que Nadie Quiso
The Children Nobody Wanted
Mexicans Flee From the Cuban Abdala Vaccine and Line Up for the Pfizer
Angel Santiesteban’s Personal War
Cuban Writer Angel Santiesteban Receives the Vaclav Havel Award for Creative Dissent
When The Intellectuals Supported “The Terror Of Castrismo.” Seventeen Years After The “Message From Havana.”
The Book Fair: A Communist Vanity Project / Angel Santiesteban
Silvio Benítez Márquez
Desde la punta brava
From La Punta Brava
Silvio Benitez and the Dissidence
Permission is Granted to Add a Discussion in the Neighborhoods About the Petition to Modify the Actual Elections System
Permission is Granted to Add a Discussion in the Neighborhoods About the Petition to Modify the Actual Elections System / Silvio Benítez Márquez
Meeting to Spread the Initiative
Neighborhood Spokespeople Receive Answers to Citizen Demands
Ernesto Morales Licea
El pequeño hermano
The Little Brother
The (Naked) King of Little Havana / Ernesto Morales
The End
On the Steps of Nila: Bayley, Cortes and Mega TV
Man Convicted in Bayamao Child Prostitution Ring is on Hunger Strike
Cubans and the Lessons from Myanmar
Rebeca Monzo
Por el ojo de la aguja
Through the Eye of the Needle
The Bureaucracy Hinders the National Production of Masks
A Lost Gastronomic Legacy / Rebeca Monzo
100% Habanera
500th Anniversary of the City of Havana
500th Anniversary of the City "Nightmare" / Rebeca Monzo
Miguel Iturría Savón
Ancla Insular
Island Anchor
Francis Sánchez
Hombre en las nubes
Man in the Clouds
"Resisting For the Sake of Resisting Makes No Sense"
A Candle Lit by Assef and His Poetry / Francis Sanchez
All the Good Decimistas Write… Poetry? / Francis Sanchez
Depressed But Happy? / Francis Sanchez
Why Am I (Again) “in the clouds”? / Francis Sanchez
Wendy Iriepa and Ignacio Estrada
Puertas Abiertas en Cuba
Open Doors in Cuba
Enrique Colina: Utopian Obstinacy Turns Dreams into a Nightmare / Wendy Iriepa and Ignacio Estrada
A Heartfelt Loss / Wendy Iriepa and Ignacio Estrada / Wendy Iriepa and Ignacio Estrada
USA Commemorates the Birth of Martin Luther King, Jr. / Wendy Iriepa and Ignacio Estrada
All Rights for All Families / Wendy Iriepa and Ignacio Estrada
South Africa Reports Alarming Increase in HIV among Adolescents / Wendy Iriepa and Ignacio Estrada
Miriam Celaya
Sin Evasion
Without Evasion
Latin America: Peace in the Abstract
Transition, Cuban Style / Cubanet, Miriam Celaya
Millionaire Guerrillas and Angelic Drug Traffickers / Miriam Celaya
Preliminary Weighing of an Announced Succession / Cubanet, Miriam Celaya
Corruption, the End of Impunity and the Latin American Political Street Gangs
Juan Juan Almeida
La voz del Morro
The Voice of El Morro
Secret Video Shows the Deterioration of Castro Enclave ‘Punto Cero’* / Juan Juan Almeida
Details of ‘Operation Hatuey,’ a Plan by Castro’s High Ranking Officials, Are Revealed / Juan Juan Almeida
Cuban Regime Expropriates My Sister’s House, But Celebrates My Father’s Birthday / Juan Juan Almeida
Bringing Fidel Castro Back From the Dead in Havana / Juan Juan Almeida
Raul Castro Reappears after Reports of Illness Are Leaked / Juan Juan Almeida