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Cada uno de los 3.100 médicos cubanos cuesta más de 5.000 dólares a México

“Váyanse, antes de que este pueblo se levante con furia incontenible”, advierte un sacerdote cubano

La industria militar cubana se ha convertido en fabricante de material para la hotelera Gaviota

Los cubanos recuperan sus hornillas de carbón, reliquias del Período Especial

Guerra cultural

Al lacón, lacónicas preguntas

Pese a las evidencias, el Gobierno desmiente que un tanquero ruso haya llegado a Cuba

Diezmada por los robos y los apagones, en la biblioteca de Cienfuegos no hay “ni un alma”

La Cancillería protesta por la liberación del cubano que disparó contra su embajada en Washington

La Tercera Alternativa

“Da lo mismo que haya triciclos nuevos en La Habana, también dependen de los apagones”

Los enfermos que creen en la “salud gratuita” esperan meses para ser atendidos en Cienfuegos

La española DIT Gestión llevará 400 turoperadores y 4.500 kilogramos de “ayudas” a Cuba

El canciller cubano acepta la necesidad de un cambio, sin decir en qué consistiría

María Corina Machado gana el premio Václav Havel de derechos humanos del Consejo de Europa

Premios literarios españoles, tabla de salvación para los autores cubanos

Adicta al Kaláshnikov

“Me monitoreaba la Seguridad del Estado”, dice el boxeador cubano Marcos Forestal, fugado en 2014

Apagones de varias horas en cuatro hospitales de Matanzas y uno en Camagüey

Dos madres de familia asesinadas en Santiago de Cuba y Camagüey por sus ex parejas

El plan de pesca nacional cubano se cumple al 53%; el de la exportación, al 95%

Con la muerte del ex jefe del Ejército Juvenil del Trabajo, las FAR han perdido tres generales este mes

Jorge Fernández Era renuncia a la Uneac en solidaridad con Alina Bárbara López

Además de necesaria, una nueva revolución es ineludible en Cuba

El odiado chícharo se ha convertido en una legumbre cotizada y cara en Cuba

Correos de Cuba culpa a la Aduana y Cupet por los retrasos en la entrega de los paquetes

Multas de un millón de pesos y 58 comercios cerrados por falta de pago electrónico

El arzobispo de Santiago de Cuba visita en prisión a José Daniel Ferrer

Casi el 100% de los detenidos por droga en Cuba reciben condenadas de entre 10 y 20 años de prisión

Al menos 22 personas, casi una al día, fueron asesinadas en agosto en Cuba

El Servicio Militar es “un placer”, asegura la madre de un recluta

Bajo custodia del Estado murieron 26 personas en Cuba en el primer semestre de 2024

El gobernador de un estado mexicano promete 200 médicos cubanos, pero solo le han enviado 10

Nuevo escándalo en la Masonería cubana por el robo de más de dos millones de pesos

Cuba y el dilema del Conde de Montecristo

Bach era un pionero de la RDA

Mueren un hombre y su hija de dos años durante una fuga de gas en Las Tunas

Identifican el cuerpo de Lianet Núñez, desaparecida, asesinada y arrojada a un basurero de La Habana

Asesinan a dos mujeres, un adolescente y un niño durante un robo en Ceballos, Ciego de Ávila

Reportan dos nuevos feminicidios en Cuba, uno de ellos el de una mujer hallada en un vertedero

Rumores de julio en Cuba: se acelera la estampida de funcionarios del régimen hacia EE UU

Noche de calor y mosquitos en Cuba por apagones de hasta 19 horas seguidas

Cuba habilita el visado electrónico para agilizar los trámites para los turistas

Con más impuestos y prohibiciones, sigue la ofensiva del régimen cubano contra las pymes privadas

Las autoridades registraron más de 400 casos de Oropouche en Cuba hasta inicios de agosto

El Triángulo Norte de Centroamérica supera los 18.900 millones en remesas

Se reactiva la ruta de arribos clandestinos de balseros cubanos por Quintana Roo

“En el hospital provincial de Cienfuegos vemos más muertes que nunca por la falta de materiales y médicos”

Estados Unidos detiene a 33 cubanos que llegaron a Cayo Hueso en la lancha pesquera ‘Lisdany’

México contratará otros 3.800 médicos cubanos, para llegar a un total de 5.000

Murió ‘Cubaencuentro’, sobrevive el espíritu de la mayor empresa intelectual del exilio

La Revolución que debemos hacer

no text loaded with original — “Los miembros del Partido Comunista de Cuba y de los CDR no pueden comprar vehículos en EE UU”

Una mujer muere sepultada por los escombros tras chocar un ómnibus con una vivienda en Santiago de Cuba

Muere el artista gráfico Víctor Alfonso Cedeño, creador del personaje animado ‘Yesapín García’

“¡Son unos estafadores!”, increpan los viajeros cubanos a Wingo por exigir visa de visitante a Colombia

Producción de alimentos y corrupción, los protagonistas del VIII pleno del Partido Comunista de Cuba

Convocatoria: Seminario virtual sobre Derechos Humanos en Cuba

“¿Te gustaría visitar Cuba con total libertad?”

La prensa oficial publica detalles de un robo en un central de Artemisa el año pasado

Cuba Accuses U.S. of Cyber Warfare as It Blocks Independent Media

The Farmers of Sancti Spíritus, Cuba, Refuse To Sell Milk to the State After Four Months Without Being Paid

‘Cubanet’ Denounces a ‘Wave of Harassment’ Against Its Collaborators by the Cuban Regime

For One Year, South Africa Paid Seven Cuban Doctors Who Had Already Returned to the Island

Rosy-cheeked, White and Generated With AI, This Is How the Official Press Presents Elderly Cubans

With Considerable Damage to the Hydraulic Network, the Water Supply in Cuba Remains in Crisis

Cuban Judokas Dayle Ojeda and Ayumi Leiva Fled the Country Due to Lack of Support and Humiliations

Cuban President Díaz-Canel Analyzes the ‘Contingency’ of Garbage in the Cleanest Neighborhoods of Havana

As of August, Cuban Authorities Have Built only 1.1 percent of the Homes the Country Needs

A Fourth Cuban General Joins the FAR Pantheon This Month

Cuba’s Official Press Warns Leaders About Legal Consequences if They Dodge Responsibility

Raúl Castro Multiplies His Public Appearances To Show He’s Still Alive

Wild Pigs, Vultures and Dumpster Divers Live From the Garbage in a Giant Landfill in Matanzas, Cuba

The Owner of the Restaurant El Patio De Olga in Santa Clara Is Murdered

Neither Green nor Red, Havana’s Traffic Lights Go Dark With the Blackouts and Breakdowns

The Cuban Regime and Cultural Colonization

The Voluptuous ‘Frutabomba’ Is No Longer Within the Reach of Every Cuban’s Purse

A Cuban Baseball Player From the Matanzas Team Who Traveled to Spain Without Bats Escapes

At the Central Post Office in Cienfuegos, a Single Employee Serves the Public

The Cuban Government Sees ‘Discreet Progress’ in the Macroeconomy While the Country Sinks

Former Cuban Prosecutor Who Sent 11J Protesters in Camagüey to Prison Enters the US

Humberto Carrillo y Colón, the Mexican Who Closely Spied on Castro for the CIA

‘Che’ and Fidel, Two of the Poor People Who Attend the Food Kitchen of the Catholic Church in Santa Clara

“Not Even Its Leaders Believe in the CDRs, and Many Now Live in the United States”

The Presidency of Cuba Announces that Díaz-Canel Is Visiting Mexico for the Fifth Time Since 2018

Cienfuegos, Cuba, a City that Dies at Sunset

The Terror of ‘Motorinas’ Spreads in Havana

Arrested on Sunday, the Leader of the Ladies in White, Berta Soler, is Released

Cuban Artist and Activist Luis Manuel Otero Alcántara is Awarded a Norwegian Human Rights Prize

Ten Years in Prison for a Ration Store Administrator in Sancti Spíritus, Cuba, for Embezzling 200,000 Pesos

Cuba Extends Tariff-Free Imports for Food and Medication Until January 31, 2025

The United States Excludes Cuba From the 2026 Visa Lottery for Exceeding the Migrant Limit

As Claudia Sheinbaum Is Inaugurated as President of Mexico: A Missing King and an Excess Dictator

Borrell, Latin America and the European Union

The Family of Reporter Yeris Curbelo Says That His Trial Was “Rigged” by Cuban State Security

In Havana’s Accountability Assemblies, the Blackouts Arrive on Time

Cuba Withdraws Its Doctors From a Town in Sinaloa, Mexico, Due to Clashes Between Drug Traffickers

Two and a Half Years in Prison Requested for Opposition Leader José Manuel Barreiro for Sharing Memes About Cuban President Díaz-Canel Memes

Expensive and Exotic, the Quimbombó No Longer Features on Cuban Tables

The Regime Shuts Down the Turkish ‘Patanas’ for the Day To Conserve Fuel

Dimas Castellano

El Blog de Dimas
Dimas's Blog


Dual Currencies: Before 1959 and Today / Dimas Castellano

Three Points to Solve the Embargo / Dimas Castellano

Cyclones, Housing and Revolution / Dimas Castellano

Last Episode of This Cuban Electoral System / Dimas Castellano

Cuba, Elections and Electoral Reform / Dimas Castellano


Somos+ English

Somos+ Cuba convoca elecciones a su coordinación.

Ex presos políticos Plantados están en España para presentar el filme, encuentro con sus protagonistas.

Club Somos+ España convoca elecciones a su coordinación

Comunicado final Comisión Electoral

Eddy Rodríguez, candidato a la presidencia de Somos+

Political Police Attack Activists in Cuba, Including Active Members of #Somos+ / Somos+

Somos+ Calls a Protest Against the Complicity of #PSOE (Spanish Socialist Workers’ Party) with the Havana Regime / Somos+

Cuban Politics During the Last Six Decades / Somos+, Hector Fernandez

A Prime Minister with Doubtful Results as a Minister / Somos+

Arbitrary Detention in Cuba of Somos+ Coordinator for Uruguay, Lidier Hernadez Sotolongo / Somos+

Cubalex English

Denunciamos la escalada represiva contra periodistas independientes en Cuba

Negación de atención médica como método de represión en Cuba: El caso de Carlos Alberto Macdonald Ennis

La Desaparición Forzada de Berta Soler Según la Convención Internacional

Matonismo de Estado en Cuba: represión política encubierta contra opositores, periodistas independientes y activistas de derechos humanos.

La Desaparición Forzada de Berta Soler Según la Convención Internacional

11J: Analysis of Racial Bias in Cuba’s Sedition Sanctions / Cubalex

Surveillance and Repression Operations in Guantanamo Following Power Outage Protest / Cubalex

Violation of Human Rights: Jorge Luis ‘Tangallo’ Rodríguez Valdés Is In a Punishment Cell / Cubalex

Can the Police in Cuba Ask for Identification Without Any Reason? / Cubalex

Lack of Access to Justice in Cuban Prisons / Cubalex

Luis Felipe Rojas

Cruzar las alambradas
Crossing the Barbed Wire

Volver al blog

Hambrientos y con el culo mojao

Hambrientos y con el culo mojao

El escritor, en su cubil

El escritor, en su cubil

‘Empress’ Sissi Goes to Prison in Cuba / Luis Felipe Rojas

Retaliation Against Prisoner Who Reported Terrible Conditions of Forced Labor / Luis Felipe Rojas

Prisoners or Paramilitaries? Testimonies From Cuban Prisons / Luis Felipe Rojas

Report: Prostitution a la Carte in Cuba / Luis Felipe Rojas

"Fatal attraction" Magali Alabau’s Riddles / Luis Felipe Rojas

Iván García

La Carpeta de Iván
Iván's File Cabinet

Se desploma la salud pública en Cuba

Cuba, menos maestros y más adoctrinamiento en las escuelas

Cuba: corrupción, violencia y cacería de brujas

Contra la pared el sector privado en Cuba

Cómo viven los cubanos que no reciben dólares

Cooking Gas Is Also Lacking In Cuba

Crony Capitalism in Cuba

Testimony of Lazaro Yuri Valle Roca Currently Being Held at Combinado del Este Prison / Ivan Garcia

The Ordeal of Cuban Dissidents / Ivan Garcia

Shipments to Cuba to be Paid for in Miami

Cuban Law Association

Asociación Jurídica Cubana
Cuban Law Association

We are moving / Cuban Law Association

School Violence and Social and Legal Indiscipline in Cuba / Dayanara Vega, Cuban Law Association

At Any Price / Wilfredo Vallin Almeida, Cuban Law Association

Travel Insurance is not a Trustworthy Contract / Edilio Hernandez Herrera, Cuban Law Association

Another Unfulfilled Promise / Cuban Law Association, Dayanara Vega

Rafael León Rodríguez

El candil de Rafa
Rafa's Lamp

Panama Declaration / Rafael León Rodríguez

February Declaration / Rafael León Rodríguez

Resolution 4 on Human Rights / Rafael León Rodríguez

Cuban Authorities Block Seven Activists From Traveling to Mexico for Democracy Action Meeting

End of Year Declaration / Rafael León Rodríguez

Voices Behind the Bars

Voces Tras Las Rejas
Voices Behind The Bars
El Guarijo Azul

Retazos / Fragments

Sunday Anguish

Sunday Anguish

Life of Sisyphus – Part Nine

Life of Sisyphus – Part Nine

Life of Sisyphus – Part Eight

Yamil Dominguez

Injusticia notoria
Notorious Injustice

Justice for Rolando

Justice for Rolando

My New Beginning

My New Beginning

Total Injustice

Jorge Luis García Pérez Antunez

Ni me callo, ni me voy
I Won't Shut Up, I'm Not Leaving

Gorki Águila: “The Castro Regime Wants To Mutate Into A Perfect Tyranny” / EFE – 14ymedio

Orlando Zapata Tamayo Civic Resistance Front Holds Congress in Havana / Cubanet, Arturo Rojas Rodriguez

Antonio Rodiles Arrives in Miami After Being Unable to Leave Cuba for 8 Months / 14ymedio

About 70 Ladies in White and Activists Arrested Sunday / 14ymedio

Estado de Sats… for our Spanish-speaking viewers

Katia Sonia

KubaSepia (English)

Leandro Cesar Mastrapa Igarza and Alexis Zayas Guillen were Ordained as Deacons

Leandro Cesar Mastrapa Igarza and Alexis Zayas Guillen were Ordained as Deacons

Leandro Cesar Mastrapa Igarza and Alexis Zayas Guillen were Ordained as Deacons/ Katia Sonia

Response to a Manipulation / Katia Sonia

Response to a Manipulation / Katia Sonia Martin

Jose Antonio Garcia


Henry Constantin

Reportes de viajes
Travel Reports

Pedro Luis

Fotos desde Cuba
Photos From Cuba

Cuban Activists Discuss the Diplomatic Normalization with the United States / 14ymedio

Photo of Cuban Cardinal: Jamie Ortega

Photo of Cuban Cardinal: Jamie Ortega

Castro to be Special Guest Today on Cuban TV

Fidel Appears on Cuban TV: PHOTOS

Ricardo Medina

Ombudsman Cuba
Ombudsman Cuba / English

2nd of November-Day of the Dead / Ricardo Medina

Our Lady of Mercy / Ricardo Medina

A Young Man’s Life Endangered Because of the Holidays

CUBA, Talitá’ cum – I speak to you / Ricardo Medina

CUBA, Talit’ cum – I speak to you / Ricardo Medina


Cuba and the Enslaving System of Two Currencies / Yusnaby Perez

Internet for the Cuban Opposition is Possible / Yusnaby Perez

The Embargo / Yusnaby Perez

Cubans are Prohibited from Boarding Tourist Boats / Yusnaby Perez

Counterrevolutionary / Yusnaby Perez

Dora Leonor Mesa

Plapliplo lecciones
Plaplipol English

Two Cuban Activists Prohibited from Traveling to OAS Human Rights Meeting

Prague Happily Infects its Visitors / Dora Leonor Mesa

Missing People / Dora Leonor Mesa

Cuban Toy Thieves Knockout Three Kings Day / Dora Leonor Mesa

Cuban Toy Thieves Knockout Three Kings Day / Dora Leonor Mesa

Lilianne Ruíz

El Blog de Jeronimo
Lilianne's Blog Posts

Speaking of Human Rights Talks Between the US and Cuban Governments… / Lilianne Ruíz

The Virgin According to the Popes / Lilianne Ruíz

Coco Farinas Lost Consciousness Again / Lilianne Ruíz

Guillermo "Coco" Farinas; Hunger and Thirst Strike Continues / Lilianne Ruíz

“The opposition has not matured,” Laments Martha Beatriz Roque / 14ymedio, Lilianne Ruiz


Other Texts to Translate
Translating Cuba

Díaz-Canel: Killer of Illusions / Cubanet, Luis Cino Alvarez

Barbara’s Helplessness / Odalina Guerrero Lara, Cuban Law Association

The Day Cuba Changed #RosaMariaPaya #OswaldoPaya #AngelCarromero #AronModig / Orlando Luis Pardo Lazo

The Thankless Task of a Dauphin / Yoani Sanchez

Today, February 13, is Laura Pollan’s 64th Birthday / Mario Barroso

Guillermo Fariñas

Huelga de hambre
Hunger Strike

Guillermo Farinas Released But Will Not be Allowed to Leave Santa Clara in the Coming Days

The Controversy Over The Identity Of The Clandestinos Is Growing

Opposition Alliance Calls To Open An Inclusive National Dialog / 14ymedio

European Parliament’s “Fariñas Amendment” Never Existed / 14ymedio

Guillermo Fariñas Abandons His Hunger Strike / 14ymedio


IntraMuros (English)

Declaration of “Convivencia” Magazine on the Restoration of Diplomatic Relations Between Cuba and the U.S.

Declaration of “Convivencia” Magazine on the Restoration of Diplomatic Relations Between Cuba and the U.S.

Declaration of “Convivencia” Magazine on the Restoration of Diplomatic Relations Between Cuba and the U.S.

Poland’s Solidarity With Cuban Civil Society / Intramuros, Dagoberto Valdes

Poland’s Solidarity With Cuban Civil Society / Intramuros, Dagoberto Valdes

Eugenio Leal

Veritas (English)

Claudia Cadelo

Octavo Cerco
Octavo Cerco English

My Videos of Wendy and Ignacio’s Wedding

Long Vacations and My First Story

Gimme Light

What More Could One Ask For?


Regina Coyula

Mala letra
Bad Handwriting

The Reclusive Poet / Carlos Manuel Alvarez, Regina Coyula

Cuba: Anatomy of Fear / Regina Coyula

Among the Lines / Regina Coyula

The Usefulness of the Tongue / Regina Coyula

Imperialism or Twitter Trolls: Who’s to Blame? / Regina Coyula

Laritza Diversent

Jurisconsulto de Cuba
Laritza's Laws

Stricter Rules For The Advancement And Protection Of Human Rights / Laritza Diversent

Laritza Diversent and Cubalex Begin Their Life In Exile

Broken Dreams / Cubalex

‘El Sexto’ Moved to a Criminal Prosecution Center / 14ymedio

Amnesty International Calls For “Urgent Action” to Support Cubalex /14ymedio, Miami

Rosa María Rodríguez Torrado

La rosa descalza
Barefoot Rosa

Commemoration or Celebration? / Rosa María Rodríguez Torrado

Obama’s Visit / Rosa María Rodríguez Torrado

Same Hatred, Different Collar / Rosa Maria Rodriguez

Dreaming in Color / Rosa Maria Rodriguez

To Die of Hunger / Rosa Maria Rodriguez

Fernando Dámaso

Mermelada / Marmalade

Plowing the Sea? / Fernando Damaso

Customer Care / Fernando Damaso

Tales Along the Way / Fernando Damaso

Something to Think About / Fernando Damaso

Jose Marti, from Apostle to ‘Pret-A-Porter’ / Fernando Damaso

Orlando Luis Pardo Lazo

Lunes de Post Revolution
Post Revolution Mondays

I Love You Not Despite But Precisely Because of the Tyranny / Orlando Luis Pardo Lazo

Islands / Orlando Luis Pardo Lazo

Oswaldo Paya and the Varela Project / Orlando Luis Pardo Lazo

Being Saint Louis / Orlando Luis Pardo Lazo

A Conversation with Orlando Luis Pardo Lazo / Regina Anavy

Ángel Santiesteban

Los Hijos Que Nadie Quiso
The Children Nobody Wanted

Mexicans Flee From the Cuban Abdala Vaccine and Line Up for the Pfizer

Angel Santiesteban’s Personal War

Cuban Writer Angel Santiesteban Receives the Vaclav Havel Award for Creative Dissent

When The Intellectuals Supported “The Terror Of Castrismo.” Seventeen Years After The “Message From Havana.”

The Book Fair: A Communist Vanity Project / Angel Santiesteban

Silvio Benítez Márquez

Desde la punta brava
From La Punta Brava

Silvio Benitez and the Dissidence

Permission is Granted to Add a Discussion in the Neighborhoods About the Petition to Modify the Actual Elections System

Permission is Granted to Add a Discussion in the Neighborhoods About the Petition to Modify the Actual Elections System / Silvio Benítez Márquez

Meeting to Spread the Initiative

Neighborhood Spokespeople Receive Answers to Citizen Demands

Ernesto Morales Licea

El pequeño hermano
The Little Brother

The (Naked) King of Little Havana / Ernesto Morales

The End

On the Steps of Nila: Bayley, Cortes and Mega TV

Man Convicted in Bayamao Child Prostitution Ring is on Hunger Strike

Cubans and the Lessons from Myanmar

Rebeca Monzo

Por el ojo de la aguja
Through the Eye of the Needle

The Bureaucracy Hinders the National Production of Masks

A Lost Gastronomic Legacy / Rebeca Monzo

100% Habanera

500th Anniversary of the City of Havana

500th Anniversary of the City "Nightmare" / Rebeca Monzo

Miguel Iturría Savón

Ancla Insular
Island Anchor

Francis Sánchez

Hombre en las nubes
Man in the Clouds

"Resisting For the Sake of Resisting Makes No Sense"

A Candle Lit by Assef and His Poetry / Francis Sanchez

All the Good Decimistas Write… Poetry? / Francis Sanchez

Depressed But Happy? / Francis Sanchez

Why Am I (Again) “in the clouds”? / Francis Sanchez

Wendy Iriepa and Ignacio Estrada

Puertas Abiertas en Cuba
Open Doors in Cuba

Enrique Colina: Utopian Obstinacy Turns Dreams into a Nightmare / Wendy Iriepa and Ignacio Estrada

A Heartfelt Loss / Wendy Iriepa and Ignacio Estrada / Wendy Iriepa and Ignacio Estrada

USA Commemorates the Birth of Martin Luther King, Jr. / Wendy Iriepa and Ignacio Estrada

All Rights for All Families / Wendy Iriepa and Ignacio Estrada

South Africa Reports Alarming Increase in HIV among Adolescents / Wendy Iriepa and Ignacio Estrada

Miriam Celaya

Sin Evasion
Without Evasion

Latin America: Peace in the Abstract

Transition, Cuban Style / Cubanet, Miriam Celaya

Millionaire Guerrillas and Angelic Drug Traffickers / Miriam Celaya

Preliminary Weighing of an Announced Succession / Cubanet, Miriam Celaya

Corruption, the End of Impunity and the Latin American Political Street Gangs

Juan Juan Almeida

La voz del Morro
The Voice of El Morro

Secret Video Shows the Deterioration of Castro Enclave ‘Punto Cero’* / Juan Juan Almeida

Details of ‘Operation Hatuey,’ a Plan by Castro’s High Ranking Officials, Are Revealed / Juan Juan Almeida

Cuban Regime Expropriates My Sister’s House, But Celebrates My Father’s Birthday / Juan Juan Almeida

Bringing Fidel Castro Back From the Dead in Havana / Juan Juan Almeida

Raul Castro Reappears after Reports of Illness Are Leaked / Juan Juan Almeida