- Go to any of the links posted. When the translations are done they will be posted to the blogs and removed from the list. As bloggers post new entries on their Spanish language sites, the entries will automatically show up on this site.
- You can start translating anywhere in the text. You can edit the translations already there.
- The first goal is meaning, the second goal is good English. Even if the English is “grammatically correct”, if the MEANING is wrong, please edit it. If your English is not perfect, don’t worry about it. Just try to get the meaning clear. A native English speaker can then edit what you write.
- When you are done with your work on any one post, don’t forget to SAVE.
- Do not worry about “breaking” anything. The program allows us to revert to an earlier version, and every change is saved along the way.
- You do not have to sign in. If this becomes a problem (a lot of “vandalism” to the translations) we will change it, but for now we want people to be able to help with the minimum of bother.
- Although Google Translate will give you a good start, the post is not finished until the google translate has been both converted to proper English and the meaning has been corrected. Google Translate gets its pronouns mixed up and also tends to get the meaning backwards. Google Translate is a tool but it does not produce our finished translation!
This space is brand new, of course, and has been created from scratch by a volunteer (and highly skilled!) programmer. We will all learn together how to make it work, and how to make it better.