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Spanish post from 14yMedio by 14yMedio

The Emigration of Its Militants Is a Blow to the Communist Party of Cuba

Party meetings, public events and morning meetings in the workplace have become a roll call to count those absent

The speed with which some Cubans change the PCC red card for residence in the 'yuma' (US), never ceases to surprise / Cadeca

 / Cadeca

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14ymedio, Yoani Sánchez, Havana, 25 April 2024 -- Even opportunism crumbles. Wearing the ideological mask in Cuba meant, for decades, obtaining revenues and benefits, but for some time now it seems to cost more than what it brings in. This morning I learned from a former official, linked to propaganda in the official media, that she is diligently waiting for her humanitarian parole to be approved to move to the United States. Instead of rejection or annoyance, the news has provoked congratulations among her former colleagues in the core of the Communist Party.

"You're incredibly lucky, you're leaving!" another militant, already retired and lacking anyone to claim him on the "other side of the pond," told her with a touch of envy. According to what the future migrant has assured her friends, she will alternate her life between Miami and Havana, but everyone senses that it is a trip with no real return. "In a few years, for sure, she will publish on Facebook the photo with the flag of the little stars next to an image of the Statue of Liberty, after becoming nationalized," predicts the pensioner.

Although the phenomenon has been quite common in recent years, the speed with which some Cubans exchange the PCC red card for residence in the Yuma is still surprising. With the same enthusiasm that, util recently, they used to get ready to participate in official events, they pack their suitcase and go to the airport. The speed with which they shed the skin of the simulator is causing a schism in the ranks of those who still say they support the system.

Party meetings, public events and the morning meetings at workplaces have become a roll call to count those absent and calculate how many more will emigrate. They look into each other's eyes, weigh every word each other says, look for signs that they are waiting for a visa or a ticket. But the potential migrants do not give up. Trained in hiding their criticism of the regime and keeping quiet about any discrepancies, they guard their departure until the last minute.

From the plane window, up there, they will smile with relief. Down here, their cronies in the cause will also do the same. They know that with each acolyte who leaves, loyalty fades, masks crack, the system falls apart.


Hasta el oportunismo se desmorona. Llevar la máscara ideológica significó en Cuba, por décadas, obtener réditos y beneficios, pero de un tiempo a esta parte parece costar más de lo que reporta. Esta mañana supe de una antigua funcionaria, vinculada a la propaganda en los medios oficiales, que aguarda diligentemente porque le aprueben el parole para mudarse a Estados Unidos. La noticia, en lugar de rechazo o molestia, ha provocado felicitaciones entre sus antiguos colegas del núcleo del Partido Comunista.

"¡Tremenda suerte que tiene, se va!", me ha dicho con un toque de envidia otro militante, ya jubilado y que carece de quien lo reclame al "otro lado del charco". Según le ha asegurado la futura migrante a sus amigos, alternará su vida entre Miami y La Habana, pero todos intuyen que es un viaje sin auténtico retorno. "En unos añitos, de seguro, publica en Facebook la foto con la bandera de las estrellitas al lado de una imagen de la Estatua de la Libertad, tras nacionalizarse", vaticina el pensionado.

Desde la ventanilla del avión, por allá arriba, esbozarán una sonrisa de alivio

Aunque el fenómeno ha sido bastante común en los últimos años, no deja de sorprender la velocidad con que algunos cubanos cambian el carné rojo del PCC por la residencia en la yuma. Con el mismo entusiasmo que se alistaban para participar hasta hace poco en actos oficiales, preparan la maleta y se van al aeropuerto. La celeridad con que se desprenden de la piel del simulador está causando un cisma en las filas de los que dicen, aún, apoyar al sistema.

Las reuniones partidistas, los actos públicos y los matutinos en los centros de trabajo se han convertido en un pase de lista para contar a los ausentes y calcular cuantos más emigrarán. Se miran a los ojos, sopesan cada palabra que diga el otro, buscan señales de que aguarda por una visa o un boleto. Pero los potenciales migrantes no sueltan prenda. Entrenados en disimular sus críticas al régimen y callarse cualquier discrepancia, se guardan hasta el último minuto su partida.

Desde la ventanilla del avión, por allá arriba, esbozarán una sonrisa de alivio. Acá abajo, sus compinches de causa también harán lo mismo. Saben que con cada acólito que se vaya la lealtad se destiñe, las máscaras se cuartean, el sistema se desarma.


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